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These gifts are so amazing!

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ImjastvApr 10, 2023

When I first tried to find a suitable title for these gifts all that came was 'Aaaaah' or 'Amazing!!!' and it actually took me a minute to think how I could actually put that feeling into words. From the moment I saw on the tracking that the parcel had been delivered, I could not wait to go home and see what was inside. So, now, after an awfully long day, I can't even express how happy I am to be cuddling with this gigantic plushie dog while eyeing the chocolate and candy (I have to resist until after dinner, which is difficult). I wrote a whole novel in my preferences to my gifter, and I really appreciate that they read through the whole thing to find the perfect gifts for me. In the parcel was this big plushie dog - it is so soft and so cuddly, I love it! I decided to name him Ned (my tired brain decided that since he came from the Netherlands, this would be his name. Also this name seems to suit him!). The other gifts had a lovely wrapping (which I mostly tear through, before I remembered to take a picture of one). I was quite surprise to find so much chocolate (can't wait to try it, it looks tasty) until I read the gifter's note explaining that these chocolate in letter boxes are a tradition around this time of year in their area, so they got me the letters to spell my name! This was so thoughtful of them. Then I found the horse cake pan! I love baking, horses and I've been dreaming of a horse-shaped pan since I found out that these things existed (it was another horse shape, but the one my gifter got me is much better!). My partner made a face when he realised that this meant we would be eating a horse-shaped cake this weekend ahah I could smell the tea before opening the wrapping paper, which is usually a good sign! I haven't tried it yet because I avoid caffeine in the evening, but I will for sure try it in the next few days, and it smells so good that I am sure I will enjoy it. Then the CD - funny story, I mentioned in my preferences that I have been on the lookout for Ossian CDs for a while as these are extremely difficult to find. My gifter went on the hunt (which I appreciate grandly, because I did specify this might be hard task!) and found one. Turns out, there are two Ossian bands! The one I am familiar with is a 1970s Scottish band, while the one my gifter found is a Polish band. It is my bad for not specifying which Ossian because I vaguely knew there was another band of that name, but did not remember it at the time of writing my preferences. But this mistake has a happy ending because I am very curious to listen to this CD now, this should be a fun discovery! And then, last but not least, the Katja unicorn candy - I love these! Not only because they are unicorns (although this helps) but these are some of my favourite candy. To summarise: thanks a million gifter, I am amazed by the effort you must have put to find all these gifts and put everything together, this is so great! You mentioned in your note that you were hoping that I would find at least one thing I like in these gifts and you were right, I love it all!


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