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A useless box?

So I got this box in the mail finally (after a separate attempt at delivery yesterday which was awfully puzzling since Amazon isn't usually one to NOT leave gifts but whatever). And it was an odd gift but I recognized what it was pretty much immediately once I opened it up. I put batteries in it and showed it to my toddler who was amusingly "not impressed" in the only way that toddlers can be. I think it's really kind of you to send me a rematch gift on this exchange! Not sure how much use a useless box will get but it is certainly amusing! :) Updated to add: my kid has a love-hate relationship with this thing and keeps picking it up to play with it. Not sure how long it will last with this intense of use by a toddler but gosh it is getting some use this week!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Whimsical Day 2022

