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VerinApr 10, 2023

My gifter sent me a message that they were from Sweden but sent the gift through amazon due to shipping costs being kind of a lot. I totally understand, I shipped the gift I sent myself and it was much more than I wished it would be ;).

The amazon delivery guy was here within a few days! Unfortunately I didn't have time to immediately unwrap the gift, so it sat in my house unopened for a while. The box is a bit busted at the corners, looks like they didn't pad the box with anything. I hope the contents are ok though!

The box might be open at the corners, but the tape is stuck on really well. After a brief struggle with the tape I open the box to find a lovely gift bag! I love the metallic green design on it, and the green ribbon. Green is my favorite color! I am definitely reusing this gift bag, it's very pretty!

The envelope that came with the gift bag says 'open the gift first' so that's what I'll do! I take the bag out of the box so I can open it more easily. There seems to be one big item in it, so releasing the ribbon allows me to grab it and pull it right out of the bag!

Pulling it out reveals a picture of a sleeping lady, and a brand 'cozy home'. I'm not quite sure what that means, until I read the words 'Electric blanket'! I've been thinking of getting one of these, but I wasn't quite sure what to get, so this will be a great way to find out what it's like! It looks like a great blanket with overheat protection, multiple heat settings, and it's washable as well! Looks great!

Since the gift is opened I can look in the envelope for the gift note :). It's a lovely note from my gifter telling me to keep warm and have a great autumn! I told my gifter I was dreading the winter weather because I'm often quite cold, so that's why they decided that I needed to try an electric blanket. It's very thoughtful, thank you so much santa! I hope you will have a great autumn as well!!


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