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Great gifts

So my gifter contacted me and told me almost right after we had been matched that I had 2 pkgs coming. One came the very next day and the 2nd one came today.

I forgot what I wrote in my original profile but obviously my gifter read it and saw that I am a cyclist and sent a water bottle and some energy waffles while out on rides. I think they are a cyclist 🚴‍♀️ too because there was a note saying they use the same water bottle too. Sadly I won’t be able to mount the bottle on my bike as I’m really short and the spot where you’d mount a bottle there is no room for one for the size bike I have. It will either get used by my husband or I will use it in other ways just not cycling.

My second gift that was sent was to make a chain maille pendant. I’ve recently started making chain maille jewlery to sell, so this was perfect. Needless to say I was surprised that there was enough supplies to make 3 pendants 😲.

Overall greater gifter. Thank you

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Whimsical Day 2022

