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How is it that I always seem to get THE BEST gifters?

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The_Odd_OneApr 10, 2023

This gift is so so lovely! I truly love every bit of it:

  • the items were separately wrapped in cute wrapping paper;
  • on each gift was written if it is for work or writing (in trying to write a book);
  • each gift came with an explanationary note with lovely thoughtful things;
  • there are extraordinary handmade gifts. My gifter made me dices to follow in case of writers block & wrote a lovely quote on the cover of a notebook;
  • there was a lovely card included in the box;
  • I love all my gifts! They're all really well picked out and my gifter paid really good attention to my notes;

I love the frixion pen. I already own one that I love so this is a really good addition, as is the to do book in my work colours. I also love the glass and of course the items you hand made. The dices are truly a work of art. So cool!

I feel really blessed to have such a thoughtful and lovely gifter as Verin (username). Thank you so freakin much!


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