Gosh my gifter really outdid all expectations! This fountain pen is gorgeous (and will be my first that I fill with actual ink I imagine -- my other fountain pen uses refills which is admittedly a bit more wasteful I think)! This will be so versatile! I absolutely love the space stars pattern and the colour of the pen. I hope it writes as good as it looks (I'll have to fill it at some point soon. The space Duplo is so great too! The toddler loves DUPLO and will spend hours playing with it. Thanks so much!!
The very next day, another amazon package miraculously was delivered in between our checking the mailbox for other mail, and inside was a cute little package of ink (Strawberry Shortcake is such a great name for an ink colour!!). I'm very much looking forward to trying this ink out with the fountain pen. It's not the first time I've gotten ink in a bottle like this, but the first time I'll actually fill a fountain pen (previously I've only used similar inks with a glass dip pen) so I also appreciate the tips my gifter has provided!
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