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Truly the most incredible collection of snacks

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kosmaticApr 25, 2024

Firstly, I need to send a HUGE apology to my gifter and her students. They selected the most wonderful, thoughtful, array of snacks for me and I am incredibly late to post which has been weighing on me very heavily.

I was away when the snack package arrived, and was pretty nervous about it surviving on my doorstep - a neighbour checked for me and didn't see anything, so I was secretly convinced that it had been stolen (sadly frequent in my area). When I got home from holiday there was a "Sorry we missed you" card from the courier which said they had left my parcel by the bins.... Which didn't give me any greater hope, as the bins had been collected since it was delivered. But I dutifully checked and the courier had hidden the box so well that it was still there!!

So I gleefully opened the box, quickly snapped some photos, and was just blown away by everything inside, and so so touched. And then something devastating happened in my private life happened that essentially incapacitated me. All I was really capable of doing was eating snacks and being miserable. But I'm getting back on my feet now, and the only upside is that since so much time elapsed since their delivery, I have actually been able to eat most of the snacks which were so kindly sent to me.

The selection and variety was incredible, and I was particularly touched at the care taken to include people's personal favourites. My favourites are probably the strawberry melty kiss, and the cherry flavoured sticks in the pot... I'm not entirely sure what they were, but I don't think I stopped to breath while consuming them. Oh, and definitely the Bourbon biscuits. We have Bourbon biscuits in the UK, but these were SO MUCH better, oh my gosh.

There was such an incredible volume of snacks that, even though I have eaten most of them, there are still quite a few which I haven't gotten to yet - I'm particularly excited for the crisps and whatever is in the Tom and Jerry package!

Again, I want to apologise to my gifter and all of her students. This package came at what was, unknowingly at the time, the perfect moment and I'm sorry I've taken so long to thank you for it. I have had a miserable few weeks, but having all of this sugar to rely on really made a difference, thank you.

PS: Sorry for the image duplications - I accidentally uploaded thumbnails the first time, and it won't let me delete them....


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