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Holy moly! So much 90s goodies!

My rematch Santa is AMAZING!

To be honest at first I thought that they had forgotten about me when they sent a message and then I didn’t hear anything for 2 weeks…… sorry rematch Santa I was shown I was so wrong!

I received 2 packages earlier this week and was super stocked about what I got! They sent me an amazing 90s mystery box that has so many goodies from my childhood. Nostalgia hit me hard while going through the things! The Goosebumps book, jumanji dvd and especially the lion king pogs hit it right on the nose! Plus all the candy and other small surprises were amazing.

I also got a cool official Jurassic park badge! This I need to hang in my car to show off my Dino pride and is perfect since I also love the national parks!

I received a 3rd and 4th package today too! Holy moly! The 3rd box contained a 90s candy box filled to the brim with all kinds of candies from when I was a kid! This was so amazing! My sweet tooth is so ready to dig in!

My Santa knew that I LOVE jurassic park and got me an amazing sign with my name on it that lights up to any color I choose! This is amazing!

Thank you so much rematch Santa! You are amazing!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Retro Day

