I got 2 packages from my santa.
First off is some exotic fruits. I think there's Physalis, Kumquat and cucumber (... thanks to Google for those first two :P)
The Physalis are pretty funny with each one being hidden in a large "leaf shell" and then there's a tiny fruit inside, never saw something like that, and they taste so good!
This was for my resolutions to continue losing weight and eat healthier, santa sent them to eat instead of a snack if I'm hungry during the day, pretty cool idea.
Sadly, due to I think the ongoing strikes in my country, the package was delayed and the cucumbers have gone bad! Bur the Physalis and Kumquat seem to be doing great.
One of my other resolution was to keep on my studies to learn Japanese (but I didn't need any teaching material or things like that), so Santa sent me a Japan themed board game to motivate me. Haven't tried it yet but it seems right up my alley!
All in all great gifts, RIP cucumbers, and thanks Santa :)
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