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The cutest little loaf 💕

When my first Santa didn't even check out my information a was pretty sad, but then I remembered rematching.

My rematch Santa wasn't only my almost internet twin (crafty, ace, catlady) she also went above and beyond with my gift!

She made me a little loaf cat! And I absolutely adore it. So damn cute.

His name is Br(e)ad, btw, like the little loaf he is and he lives on my bed now 😁

She also gifted me some yarn in ace colours to make a little friend for Brad ^^

I love every piece of this gift. The cat really took me by surprise though and I was very touched. This whole gift is so very amazing, beautiful and thoughtful and I love every part of it! 💕

Thank you so, so much for everything! Unboxing had me even moved to tears, especially with your accompanying letters 😊

Ps.: the bath-cupcake smells amazing, the froggies are adorable and the chapstick I funnily enough already own 😄 But hey, the more pride chapstick, the better 😁

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Pride Day

