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This hobbit is never taking a trip to Isengard!

This is honestly the most unexpected gift, you went above and beyond what I imagined and I’m so grateful! I remember talking with my friends when these were announced and we all gushed over how adorable they were! I never imagined I’d get to own one myself.

If I’m being honest I started to tear up when I opened the box, LOTR has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember (being a nerd is in my blood lol), and this is just the cutest addition to my Tolkien collection!

And the Ring!!! I now have two Rings to Rule them All!! The world domination plot grows stronger now!

In all seriousness, thank you so much, I literally cannot explain how happy this all makes me!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Plushie Day

