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You’ve Got to be KITTEN Me! (Video Included)

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GoodJujuApr 10, 2023

My Pets Day Gifter spoiled the heck out of my kitty boys for this exchange! I have two cats, Scotchy-Scotch-Scotch and Bo-Kitty and boy did they hit the jack pot!

First, they got some cool Licki Mats. The mats have 3D patterns on them that help slow the kitties down when they eat wet foods.

Next, they got some healthy freeze dried chicken treats that they LOVE! Scotchy especially goes nuts for these things. I think he would think the world is ending if he didn’t get some freeze dried treats as often as he does. He’s so dramatic!

After that, they got the CUTEST catnip toys! I told our Gifter that the boys like to collect taco toys (and that Scotchy probably speaks Spanish), so they were sent some super adorable Mexican Food themed toys! Of course there’s the taco to add to their collection of tacos, but there’s also a nacho chip, a bottle of hot sauce, a pepper, an avocado, and the cutest donkey piñata! LOVE them!

Last but not least, the Grand Finale! The boys got an automatic laser toy! I turned it on right away and Scotchy went nuts! Cute video of him trying to catch the red dot included!

We all loved the thoughtful gift! Bo-Kitty gives it two thumbs up (because he has thumbs) and Scotchy gives it a PURRRRRFECT score!

Thank you Pets Gifter!!!


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