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OMG, this is truly 'Spreading cheer around the world'! Thank you so so much!

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The_Odd_OneApr 10, 2023

Update no 2:

Today I opened up my gift that has todays date on it. It are some really nicely scented Rituals items, which I LOVE for a bit of self love. But what really stood out was the letter my gifter wrote to accompany this gift again. It was not just thoughtful but really helpful as well. Santa knows what she is talking about! I recently changed things up a bit and coincidentally enough Santa's letter was about going outside of the box. I feel like getting this Santa is a true Christmas (yeah new years) miracle!

Update no 1:

So today I was looking at my gifts again and decided to open the first. At first I didn't want to do so until more words made it onto the paper, but I realized there could be food in it, so I probably shouldn't wait too long. And I did make writing progress: I wrote a short story in another genre, just to get myself started. I followed up by allowing my husband and my best friend to read it and ask for feedback. That was scary as hell! So that was a major big leap for me and today I decided that was enough of a step to allow myself to open up the first gift...

Did I mention my Santa is AmazeBalls??? No, wel, she really totally is! This gift (a HUGE box of chocolates) is perfect for me at this time in my life (like all forest Gump). And the letter that came with it (which I didn't expect at all) said everything I needed to hear at this moment.

By the way: I was looking at my gift because I was cleaning out my office to make some room for my new job and writing. So just perfect altogether.

I will wait with opening the next one, until more progress has been made by me.

Thanks Santa, you Rock!

Original post:

My Santa is THE ABSOLUTE BEST! And yes, I do need to write that in capitol letters. I wrote that I have the ambition to write a book and I would love something to keep me going. And my Santa delivered! Oh boy, did Santa deliver!

I knew it would be a large package because Santa told me in a message to pick it up by car. But I didn't think it would be this big because it's just full of awesome stuff! I was expecting little packages that were wrapped in a big box because of filling or something, but no such thing. My Santa wrote me the sweetest letter (in Pink because Santa was out of ink, but that just makes it even sweeter), about how the gifts and the system behind them is meant to motivate me. They know how hard it is to write and stay motivated (yes, it is indeed), but they are giving me all the encouragement I could possibly ask for.

Most of the gifts are still wrapped, because they have a 'to open date' on them. One gift I can open if I collected enough writing stars (so cool! I'm in awe of you Santa!) and one gift said: open me first (it also contained the letter). In the gift was everything to get me started: roasted coffee from their hometown, index cards to make notes of characters and plot points, to do notes to set up weekly goals, a pen pouch to put on my notebook, a black marker to write on the index cards and a special Frixion Pen with extra filling. I am in love with everything, but I adore the frixion pen. It's such a clever system and I'm putting it in my pouch! Finally, there were these 90 golden stars to award myself whenever I advanced with writing for a day.

I always write in my profile info that I love the gift exchange for the giving and I only hope my Santa shows they were paying attention and made an effort. Well, Santa definitely paid attention and made an effort. Thank you so so much! When my book is finished (notice how I didn't write 'if'!) you are going into the 'thank you section' Santa!

A very big and grateful HUG from me to you!


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