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Great gifts for the new year!

A few of my goals for the new year is to go on an RV road trip with my husband for the first time, learn a new hobby, and read more. Santa listened! I was sent 4 great gifts - a road trip game, a National Geographic guide book with a ton of trip ideas, a great Calligraphy set, and a copy of “The Three Body Problem” by Liu Cixin. I’ve already practiced a little with the Calligraphy set, and even bought some guide books and brush pens to play around with it even more. The travel book has some great ideas for future trips, and I thought about opening the book really quickly with my eyes closed to choose a destination for a future trip. Also, The Three Body Problem is a book my husband and I read about online last year, so we’re looking forward to reading it. Thank you for being so kind throughout this exchange, and for all the great gifts! I hope you have a great new year!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
New Years Resolutions

