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thebrighteyeApr 10, 2023

Part of my new years resolution is to become more active. I chose Yoga as the exercise of choice and I'm really enjoying it. My Santa was all for it and really came through with some useful tools to help me further my practice.

My Santa got me a set of knee pads [which go on the floor to be leaned against, not strapped to the leg] for me to kneel on - because sometimes the positions are just really hard on the knees. These will definitely make some of my kneeling positions more comfortable!

They also got me a stretching strap, which has different loops to help brace and stabilize the limbs so that you can get better stretches or positioning.

To my Santa: You and my mother got totally different items, so this is perfect! I'm really excited to incorporate these into my practice! Thank you very much, and I hope your Santa is just as great :)


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