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Nice Book ( original giftee) and a perfect gift by rematch gifter

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indianadminApr 10, 2023

So, i received gifts by 2 people, one from the original giftee who had gifted the book very late, so I had already marked gift not received. The I received 2 gifts from my rematch gifter from Belgium. The gifts came from the gifter and rematch gifter on the same day. Since this platform does not support thanking both gifters separately, I am thanking them here.

Book Title - Honor Thyself Author - Daniel Steel. Already had read this book, but thank you to my gifter. I appreciate the effort you went through to gift it to me.

For my rematch gifter, this is a really nice gift. My 9 year old is obsessed with the step counts on the Mi Band and looks to monitor my step count every single day. I have not used the bag for the cycle yet, but it looks awesome and I am sure it will be of use when I bike around. Currently my pockets are full of stuff when I cycle and this will definitely help. Thank you so much again.


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