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The world is small, but filled with love (and music)!

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TitowamApr 10, 2023

I can't believe it but I've gotten a santa that I've previously had an exchange with on Redditgifts! Before I get into this package, I wanna thank you again for the previous exchange last year. The Playstation light you got me is sitting nicely in my bookcase and has gotten lots of lovely comments from my friends. The book was very fun to read through (my mom even borrowed it for a while) and the snacks were delicious, especially the chips :) Anyways, back onto the music exchange! //

The first thing I spotted was a lovely handwritten postcard! My santa informed me that they had taken note that I wanted to expand my vinyl collection, but they saw some difficulties with shipping. Absolutely no worries, vinyls as well as shipping can get very expensive very quickly and it's difficult to package the vinyls correctly to ensure a safe transport <3 I'm just excited to get something :D //

It's always so fun to open wrapped gifts! It's such a small thing for most, but to me it really improves the whole experience when you get to open up everything and see every item one by one :) The wrapping paper is very cute as well! I started with the smallest gift first and got a new vinyl brush - something that's always very handy to have and I don't think you can have enough of them! //

Next up, I saw that four gifts had very similar sizes (suspiciously CD-sized, haha) and I didn't know which order to open them, but I think I got lucky! The first one out of the four was a CD of Eurovision 2009, which was a great year with one of the strongest winners of the contest, and the songs still hold up! The second one was a CD of Eurovision 2018, a year filled with lots of various genres of songs and a grand final with so much variety. The third present was this years edition of Eurovision, a year that I still listen to on a weekly basis and hold very close to my heart, especially since it has one of my favorite songs of all time (Hold Me Closer by Cornelia Jakobs, makes me cry every time!). The fourth CD was Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land, the latest album by one of my all-time favorite artists Marina! I've wanted this album for so long, the title track is one of my favorite songs by her! //

And with this exchange, I now have a complete version of Marina's discography in CD, and I'm only missing two Eurovision CDs until I have a complete collection! Thank you so much, and thank you for the birthday wishes! Hope you're having a great autumn and happy holidays!


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