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Fantastic Movie Day Gifts

I received my very first gift today from the first givingifts Movie Day exchange. I can honestly say, that I am totally blown away by the thoughtfulness that went into picking the perfect movie night gifts. Not only will the family have treats of chocolates and popcorn that we love, but the dogs were also included with treats.

Oh, and I received a gorgeous bottle of nail color and the coolest scrunchies I've ever seen, I love them. They have zippers so you can store earpods, money, or earrings in them.

A great big Thank You to you for showing me that givingifts is simply amazing. I was a bit of a sceptic at first, coming from many years on redditgifts. But I am impressed and excited to be a part of this group.

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Movie Day

