I’ve just come home from an extremely tiring week at university and receiving this really made my day! Thank you so much for the sweet and thoughtful note, I really appreciate you sharing your mental health essentials! I’ve recently gotten into taking photos with a film camera so I was especially ecstatic to receive a loaded & ready to shoot film camera. The tea was a really nice surprise too, especially since I do prefer tea to coffee and I love green tea. My lips are always dry and cracked (& my lip balm just so happens to be running out!) so the lip balm is going to be super useful! I’m so surprised that the chocolate did not melt on its way to Singapore because Singapore is really humid and hot, so I’ll be looking forward to trying the really unique gin & tonic dark chocolate! Pulling the googly eyes out of the packaging made me laugh, it was so random but it really put a smile on my face - you are right, everything is better with googly eyes! Soy candle to add to my candle collection, I really like the colours of the candle and I think its really pretty! I live in an apartment & we have a tiny balcony garden so I’ll be giving those seeds (not sure if these are seeds? I’m really a city girl at heart LOL) to my mum, she’ll be so happy to have them :D Lastly, the art on the notebook is stunning and perfect as a decorative piece (or to journal hehe). Everything in this care package was a hit for me, and I’m so grateful that you put so much love and care into selecting these items! Thank you so much Santa! <3
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