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Lovely mutual match :)

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VerinApr 10, 2023

My gifter let me know when the gift was on its way, and I kept checking the tracking impatiently, but even though I saw it getting closer and closer I still missed them putting up when they planned to deliver. So I couldn't ask for another delivery slot and I missed the planned delivery :(. Luckily, they delivered to the post office early in the afternoon and I was going that way anyway, so I was able to pick it up yesterday late in the afternoon. Unfortunately I had some other stuff to do last night so I didn't get to immediately open the gift, luckily I knew I had time to open it this morning!

The gift is a good size box that's obviously repurposed from amazon. It seems to be taped up expertly so I'm pretty sure the goods inside are safe :D.

When I open the box I am immediately greeted by a lovely card with some writing on it. My gifter writes some lovely stuff and signed it with their username... That username is awfully familiar: It's my giftee! Turns out we were matched to each other :D. I had loads of fun picking her gift and hearing her and her family enjoyed it, so getting to interact with her again in this way is extra fun! :D Hi santa! waves

The card is decorated with some cute stickers, which makes me curious to see the front. It's a lovely dog picture <3. So cute! I've just made plans to meet up with someone to walk some dogs this afternoon, so this is just extra dog energy in my day and I'm here for it! The dog has such an expressive face, it's lovely :).

Of course there's more than just the card in the box, in fact it seems to be stuffed rather full! On top is a lovely brown package with blue dots on the paper, it's very cute. When I open it I see it's a book about bread making! I told my santa that bread making is the only thing I don't have nice cookbooks for, and they definitely paid attention because this book is called 'Bread Making for beginners'. I've tried a few bready things but it's very difficult, so I'm glad this is a very entry-level book. It has a LOT of recipes for different kinds of breads, I can already see some I'm fairly confident trying with my current skill level. Of course there's some that look very difficult, but I'll just have to practice then, won't I? :D. I'm looking forward to it!

Underneath the book is a big calendar. It's really quite big! It won't quite fit in my kitchen but I'm sure I can find a use for it somewhere :).

Taking the calendar out of the box reveals a lovely read package with a tiny little note on it. It says "I have the same and I like it :)". Thank you santa, I adore personal recommendations! It's always good to get something that's vetted by someone else already! But what is it? The note is very mysterious so I waste no time opening the gift: it's a nice small springform! The form comes with a little booklet full of recipes that look very yummy, I'm sure to try one :). I have a big springform but it's much too big for many recipes so I definitely needed a smaller one, it's wonderful Santa! I actually like the Dr Oetker baking mixes if I'm too lazy to follow a recipe, especially the chocolate muffins. I've not seen that they sell bakeware in my country, so I'm excited to have a German-made springform in my collection :D. It's the absolute perfect size, so cute!

Next to the springform the box held a roll of cardboard. I assumed this was just packing material, but when I next look into the box I see that it rolled away from 2 brightly colored gifts.

The bright green gift is a big huge chocolate bar... YUM! If my German is correct the flavor is dark chocolate (51%) with almonds and sea salt. That sounds great, I love all three of those things so they'll probably be great together :D.

And the final thing in the box is bright orange... it's a wonderful veggie knife! It's a great shape and length, this will totally improve my cutting game :). I'm not sure if the orange is a good-natured joke about our national color or royal family, but I'm glad about it anyway! I definitely lost a knife or two peeling veggies and throwing the knife away with the peels accidentally. With this orange knife that will be a LOT harder to do, unless I'm peeling carrots I suppose :P. I'll put it to good use!

Thank you so much for this lovely gift <3. I had a wonderful time finding a gift for you and now getting a gift from you as well, it's been a lovely exchange! Thanks so much and enjoy all the baking/cooking!


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