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lily1029Apr 10, 2023

For me, Hometown exchanges are an exciting opportunity to possibly get a taste of some new special food items unique to the gifters area. This time around my gifter is from an area of Texas that has an awesome natural peanut butter store called Nutty's Peanut Butter!! My gifter chose to send me the Sweet Tooth 3 pack and it looks like a great call - I can't wait to dig into all 3 flavors!! The 3 flavors are: Peanut Butterscotch, Peanut Butter Cup and White Chocolate Chip. I'm most excited about the Peanut Butterscotch for being so unique so I bought fresh bananas last night try it on this weekend! The store's website also suggests melting them to put over ice cream which also sounds like a great way to enjoy these flavors! If these all taste as good as they sound I'll be ordering from this shop in the future!

Thank you so much for this great gift!!!!

UPDATE!!! I tried the Butterscotch flavor on a banana tonight and it was DIVINE!! I'm totally going to be buying more of this in the future for myself and for gifts!! :D


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