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Gifts from Wappingers Falls, NY

My gifter sent me a ton of really cool things to let me learn more about their town. A lot of thought went into this box, and you can just sense how much they love their town. I received several pamphlets with all sorts of interesting facts about Wappingers Falls, a nice amount of coffee that I can't wait to try, a really cool magnet with beautiful doors on it, a sticker, a photo album filled with images from shows from the past decade, and one of the most unique cookbooks I've ever owned. It's full of recipes sourced by the historical society. I also received a lovely letter letting me know why they sent certain gifts and where they obtained them, as well as our shared interests. This box was really fun to go through and read all about Wappingers. Some of my in-laws live in NY, so we might just make a trip up there when we visit again. I love learning history of other places, so this box was a lot of fun. I've already put the magnet on my fridge, and plan on trying out some of the recipes. Thank you for the wonderful gifts!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Hometown Day

