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You better BEE-lieve this gift is great!!

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lily1029May 29, 2024

I love doing the hometown exchange and always ask my Santa to treat me to some sort of snack or sweet treat from a store in their hometown. I have gotten some really unique and tasty treats over the years and this year's Santa sent me another winning selection! They let me know they don't live in their hometown anymore so had goodies shipped to me straight from the store. What arrived was a declious assortment of honey treats from a local business in Lovell, Wyoming called "Queen Bee Gardens!" The flyer they included in the box told me that for generations the store haas been making award-winning all-natural candy which all include some amount of the honey that they harvest themselves from their 4,000 colonies of bees. My Santa selected me 2 types of caramels (caramel kisses and huckleberry) made with 65% honey. I have never had a huckleberry to my knowledge so that was the item I dug into first. It was a delightfully sticky and delicious candy!! I can see why they have won awards! I also got a jar of whipped cinnamon honey which sounds so good but I'm waiting to try that on some fresh bananas after grocery day later in the week.

Thank you so much for this fantastic taste of your hometown Santa!! This was a really delicious and unique selection and I see myself ordering from them in the future for gifts for my friends and family! I hope your hometown box is as equally amazing! :D


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