My package has been on quite a journey from Frankenmuth, Michigan. Actually I am a Michigander, I have been to Frankenmuth (not for some time though) and this package has did a full site seeing of Michigan. Perhaps more miles than a cross-country flight. It has been funny following the tracking, much to the frustration of my awesome gifter!
So my first package contained homemade fudge and it was amazing. It came in two big pieces and the flavors were salted caramel and rocky road. Salted caramel is one of my favorite flavors of all time and rocky road always makes me giggle because of a line in one of my favorite movies The Goonies.
The second package had the big journey but it was worth waiting for. I got some items from the famous Zehnders- some lemon poppyseed pound cake, some famous chicken seasoning, some strawberry preserves and a cookbook of some of their famous recipes… i and definitely going for their famous baked chicken!
So thank you so much to my fellow Michigander for a very generous gift. Drink tea, do yoga and think pink! Hehe
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