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A Taste of the Largest State!!

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lily1029Apr 12, 2023

The Hometown themed exchanges are some of my favorite to do because I love getting a taste of people's local goodies! This round I had the pleasure of getting goodies from almost the furthest location from me and still be inside the US - ALASKA!!! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the return address on the box! My Santa had messaged me to double check if a certain food item fit my interests (which is always appreciated) and to tell me that they didn't live in their hometown anymore but they were able to order a gift from a indie shop that shipped locally produced items out of state.

I was super excited to dig into the box to find out what fun goodies Alaska was going to have to offer. First up was the item that Santa had questioned which was a jar of Wild Mixed Berry Jam made up of blueberries, lingonberries and salmonberries. I'm very familiar with blueberries but a little wikipedia research tells me the other 2 berries are more exclusively native to Alaska and similar climates so I'm thrilled to get to try this! I had told my Santa it would be fitting to get a jelly or jam actually because last year's Santa sent me peanut butter that I loved enough to order more of - now I could have the fanciest pb&j if I wanted!

Next out of the box was Garlic Breath Spit Salt made with Alaskan sea salt and a quirky description about being perfect for keeping away the vampires. Their website also promises the salt is locally collected but double filtered to remove the whale poop. LOL!! Not a concern I had until I read it Alaska Salt Co! I'm planning to try this on some pasta and/or shrimp soon!

The rest of the box was a trove of fancy chocolate items, several with more of the quality local sea salt. I got a good chuckle out of "Stanley's Moose Berries" which does look like it could be animal poop but is actually delicious salted caramel chocolates!

I can't wait to eat my way through this wonderful assortment from a state I have always longed to visit. Thank you so much Santa for this thoughtful and generous gift!!


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