This was the perfect hobby day gift for me. Today I received "Knitted Menagerie" by Sarah Keen a pattern book with 30 creatures to knit and a very functional, purple (my favorite), project bag! The bag already has a project tucked inside of it and ready to go. One of my favorite features of this bag is that it has four holes in the top to help organize yarn for stranded knitting. This is going to be soooo helpful for two of the sock projects I plan to do this summer. The pattern book is amazing. I spent most of my afternoon flipping through the patterns trying to decide what to knit first. The best part of this book however was how much my husband geeked out over it. For the first time ever, he asked me to knit him something. The orange sticky notes peeking out in the book photo-those are the animals he has asked me to knit him. He has already picked out the yarn and colors that he would like. I am so excited! I am also curious about this book because most of the plushies are knit flat and then sewn together. The previous plushies I have made have all been in the round. Looking forward to trying something new! Thank you so much for an absolutely lovely hobby day!
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