My original SS had some Major Life Upheaval right when matching happened so I was placed in the rematch pool.
I have to say that this was the first time I had ever needed to be rematched, and I am floored by the generosity I was shown.
The first box contained two toys for my huskies. They loved them and have been going to town on them since I received them. There was also an iFixit kit, which was a great surprise! I've been eyeing one of these for a while, and it wasn't even on my Amazon wish list.
Today I received a second box... and I win. It was a box of Baklava. I absolutely love Baklava.
So, thank you rematch Santa! You went above and beyond what I could ever hope for!
Give a Ginger award for an awesome gifter.
Give a Snap award for a grateful giftee.
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