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Oh my gosh! So many excellent gifts!

Ack! So I mistakenly posted this to my RedditGifts account rather than to my Givin Gifts account (soon that won't be a problem anymore). But oh my gosh I am so pleased! I have things to taste, things to squirrel away for later, things to share, things to wear, and a great letter from Santa, and a 3D printed item too!

I love how this box was assembled! The paper on which the letter was printed feels so great! The username 3D print ABSOLUTELY floored me (and is likely the reason my RedditGifts post had 12 likes before I took it down). So awesome! AliKira is the name I use online in most places so while I may not be the most active on Reddit, it's still so excellent to have! I put the 3D print up on my bulletin board by my desk where it sits and makes me smile whenever I look up.

And this wasn't even the full gift! I got maple syrup candies, a large gummy bear candy, some strawberry hard candies, some pens to write postcards with, and an excellent necklace! I wish I could include photos of everything here!

Ooooh ooh! A Givin Gifts T-shirt! EXCELLENT! I love the Givin Gifts mascots and this will be perfect to wear around the house on the weekends.

Thanks Santa! My apologies again for having mistakenly thought it was a RedditGifts gift rather than a Givin Gifts gift!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Happy Holidays

