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Quick Santa blowing me away!

Wow! Santa has me grinning like crazy! They've basically combined all my favourite exchanges into one!

They sent notes with an order to open them in, which was an incredibly fun journey. I really enjoyed trying to guess what it was!

The animal Crossing and monopoly are 2 of my favourite games in one and even if I have to drag people kicking and screaming it will be played!

The mug is so cute, and I will absolutely be enjoying all my Christmas drinks in it (especially horlicks)

That cat plush was made for snuggling and snuggle I will! The cat from my plushie exchange quickly became a favourite, getting a sister for her is an absolute dream!

When I saw the note for gift 4, I steeled myself. I told myself I would wait for Christmas! Then I opened it to find spiritfarer and I am wavering. No matter what I will be playing it on Christmas! (But that's likely not when I'll have started it!)

The sweets are the cherry on this massive cake! They're always a treat! I'm curious what your favourite are?

All in all, a lot of words to say, thank you so much! I love them all and you've absolutely gone above and beyond!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Happy Holidays

