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Absolutely Magical!!!

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McMulrickApr 10, 2023

This was truly a magical exchange!

My match started out by writing to me to ask if I would like them to make fudge for me using their mom’s sacred recipe.

Well- YES- I would love that very much!!!

My package arrived yesterday and it is beyond amazing!

When I first opened it - I saw the fudge right off. I popped it open and tried a piece. OH MY! This is some really good fudge! Last night after dinner I passed it around and everyone was oohing and ahhing. It is so rich and decadent. Perfect!!!

After savoring that piece of fudge I began opening my gifts, The gifts inside were wrapped so pretty in a woodland paper. I love wildlife and nature- and this was just so fun.

The first gift I opened was a spoon…a gorgeous wooden spoon with an owl carved into the top!!! I LOVE wood..I also LOVE owls! This was just so amazing. Really- I just held it and stared at it for so long. What a gorgeous spoon. Next- I opened another long thin package- it was another wooden utensil! This wood is really pretty. All in all- I received a three piece set. I have a set of shelves that my dad made me in my kitchen- these are going front and center in my shelves! Right now they are sitting here- at my computer next to me as I like looking at them.

My next package revealed a set of tree round ornaments…I love tree rounds. These are so cool- what is even cooler- my match painted them! Three pretty pretty cacti in bright colors. I have them on my tree already!

My Santa also painted me a water color painting! I love it!!

Oops- I had to stop to eat another piece of fudge before opening the next package!

I selected a square heavyish package next. I opened it to find a set of wooden Washington coasters! They are really pretty- and funny enough I had just mentioned to my husband that our coasters were getting pretty bad looking and we needed new ones. How cool!!

I opened a sand dollar next. WOW! It is a gorgeous large sand dollar- with such a pretty pronounced pattern! I love sand dollars- and they are all so different from each other if you look closely. This one is really a beauty! It was found on the Washington coast near Copelis. HOW COOL?!?!? I have a shadow box coffee table with such treasures- this will be joining my others! It is my first west coast sand dollar!

I opened a super cool space needle keychain next. I do love things from other areas- this is just great!

Then I looked thorough the beautiful local notecards, postcards and a bookmark. I also received a bag of peppermint candy that is made locally- it kind of has a flavor similar to like Andes mints- but thicker, yet more soft. We love them! I was also sent a bag of Almond Roca that is also made locally. So much wonderful candy!!!

Last I opened the two envelopes that were included (they were marked to open after the gifts!) My match and I share so many of the same passions.

This was truly an amazing gift. I cannot thank you enough for all the thought and time you put into this. Your generosity was truly touching. This gift made my Christmas!

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2022!!


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