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Thank you so much - Cute Disney Sign!

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AngelEyes4294Dec 9, 2024

I received my Happy Holidays gift today and I can’t wait to hang it up! I think it would look super cute hanging on our Christmas tree, right below our Disney world ornament! This gift wasn’t anything extravagant like some people received (not that I ever expected it to be!). Not to be too personal, and I hope my gifter doesn’t mind me sharing since users are anonymous… My gifter shared that they had lost their job when the matching took place and apologized for only being able to get the sign, and mentioned sending me something else if able. Gifter, if you’re reading this, please don’t worry about it. I’m so very thankful for the gift you chose for me and the fact that you completed the exchange (something that I’m sure some people would not have done had they been in your shoes). The holidays are a time of giving and gratitude and love. I will hang this cute Disney sign every year, and every year I will think of someone who still got to know a little bit about me and chose a gift for me despite facing their own financial difficulties. I’ve been there - I understand the strain it can put on you, especially around the holidays. Please know that I am appreciative and thinking of you, sending all the good vibes for you to get a new job that you enjoy very soon! Thankful to be blessed enough to take part in these exchanges. I hope everyone has a very happy holiday season and merry Christmas! 💕


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