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CCesterDec 12, 2024

I tend to receive gifts from The Netherlands every now and then and every time they leave me in awe.

My Gifter took the idea of personal gifts seriously. I wrote I love chocolate and attending to festivals and the gifts that it resulted turned out as one of the most useful batch of gifts I have ever received. They decided they are not going with the usual ‘dutch’ way, but the sweets are as good as ever and that letter ‘K’ made out of chocolate and popping candy has been made in heaven, I am sure of that. After reading my description, my Gifter decided to make my next festival much more comfortable. They included a music ear plug which is supposed to protect my ears during concerts. I wanted to try those out for a long time now, so I really really appreciate it. The next thing was a thermo mug, from which I can’t wait to have a sip of cold beer during a hot festival day in the summer. Though I might try it out earlier with a soup or coffee as they recommended. Last but not least I have received an inflatable guitar so I will never miss my spot in a sea of tents.

Oh, I almost forgot about the nice handwritten letter, I love those and would have given the best possible rating for only that one.

I am really grateful for all these great gifts and I loved the nice packaging!

Ps: Sorry for the late posting, I have already written it once but for some reason failed to post it and lost all the text.


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