Okay, so yesterday I got a total of FOUR tracking numbers from my santa which was already a big surprise. How do I deserve so many gifts? And today, just a bit over 24 hours later, all four packages had arrived at my door: two from Amazon and two from some smaller boardgame stores. I guess my santa has made a pact with some logistics god or something, that's incredibly fast.
I had originally planned to leave everything unopened until Christmas or at least shortly before that but that huge stack of gifts fanned my curiosity so much that I just had to see what it was. Also, I wanted to thank my amazing santa as soon as possible. I hope that's okay.
Bedlam in Neverwinter: my santa had contacted me in advance to ask me if I'd be interested in a D&D board game. I love TTRPGs and board games so the answer was of course yes. This game markets itself as an escape room adventure in three parts. I love games like Time Stories, Unlock and all kinds of detective games so this seems like it's perfect for me. I'll probably take it with me when I go meet some friends right after Christmas.
Lego 75332 AT-ST: this proves that my santa must have some supernatural powers. I have quite a lot of Star Wars Lego sets and more than once have people gifted me one that I already had. But this one is new for me and it's actually the only set that has the Wicket minifigure. What a great addition to my collection.
Dice tray: you know what's on my personal "I should buy this at some point" list but not on any public wishlist, not even the one I give to my family? If you guessed "a nice dice tray", you are absolutely correct. I guess I can remove that from the list now. Nice faux leather with the World of Dice logo (a dragon and a d20) and it even comes with two short straps so I can store and carry it rolled up if I want. This will definitely come in handy when playing the board game I got or during the next D&D campaign.
Sweets: the box with the brownie-flavored chocolate santa, and a couple of chocolate balls (hazelnut and cocoa cream) is an absolute classic. The NOMO vegan chocolate alternative with rice crispy bits on the other hand is something I had never heard of but the description sounds super tasty as well. And by pure coincidence, a vegan friend of mine will come for a visit next weekend so I know whom to share it with.
So in summary, it's clear that you put a lot of effort into selecting those gifts to match my tastes to the point where I wonder if you managed to contact someone close to me. I'm super super SUPER happy with everything and almost a bit ashamed that I didn't have the patience to wait a bit longer.
Dear santa, you're an amazing person and I'd love to stay in contact so if you want, and you don't mind me finding out who you are, you can send me some contact info.
P.S.: the sweets came in an Amazon gift bag that came with a tag that matched neither my name nor the contents. The piece of paper inside had the correct message. I guess someone at the warehouse got the tags mixed up. So dear Theo, whoever you are, if you're out there and wondering why your advent calendar has a tag that says "Enjoy your gift! From Secret Santa", now you know.
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