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Australian box of awwwww!!!

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BlackForestQueenJan 4, 2024

Dear Santa, you absolutely nailed it! And more! It was so funny and exciting to discover all the greatness in that parcel! Thank your for your lovely words. I really liked receiving a personal letter!! That absolutely lovely painting of sleeping beauty already found a new home on my fridge. Please say many thanks to Alex!! She’s very talented! 🥰 You made me laugh so much when I saw that wrapping paper! I love it and opened everything very carefully so I can reuse that paper. My bf was a tad jealous as he laughs that film. 😆 He wasn’t jealous about that absolutely ridiculously funny bag you sent me. 😆😆 he rolled is eyes whilst I burst out laughing. Same with that calendar… 😆😆😍 I’m super curious about trying all those very good looking snacks you sent me!! I didn’t yet, but I sure will!! I’ll try the Vegemite with lots of butter!! I already opened and sniffed it. Interesting. My bf compared it to Marmite. What do you think? I already tried that spirit barometer. And of course it showed that we had more than enough Christmas spirit!! 😁 That aubergine is absolutely brilliant!! I had to explain the joke of it to my mum. 😆😆😆 I’ll take it to work with me next week! What shall I say about those cards… first I was like “what?” then I remembered that I wrote that I don’t swear. After that thought I burst out laughing AGAIN because your sense of humour is great!!! So thank you for educating me in the art of swearing! 😆 I don’t think I’ll use that language but it’s very interesting and also very shocking to read. The apron is so lovely! I’ll make good use of it! I already started with the colouring book. 😍 Please forgive me if I forgot something. I don’t have the parcel next to me right now and I’m too lazy in this very moment to walk from the living room to the bedroom to check what else I got. Don’t think I live in a big mansion though! The way isn’t that far. 😆 but I just came home from work and am stuck in the couch now. I’ll check later and update if necessary. Same with the pictures. I didn’t take pictures of all the things yet but I’ll also update that. I didn’t want to postpone posting this again so here we are. I’m sure you’ll forgive me. 🙃 For now I wish you and your family a fabulous happy new year! May it bring you lots of joy and enchanting moments and many fantastic memories for the year 2025! PS: I just uploaded the pictures which I have from unboxing and unwrapping. Is it a coincidence that my bf stopped taking pictures after he saw the bag and the calendar?! 🤔🤣🤣

Update: Santa also sent me a lovely reusable bottle. It’s pink with a pretty birdie on it. Perfect for my hiking trips! I live in the Black Forest so hiking is a huge thing here! I also received a beautiful journal in shiny soft pink and Jane Austen themed. I love it!! 🥰


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