Christmas truly is one of my favorite times of the year. I love trying to come up with the perfect gift ideas for everyone. My Santa clearly loves the same thing as they went WAY above and beyond what was expected for this Happy Holidays exchange and I don't think I have the words to properly express my gratitude!
I had 3 packages arrive earlier this month which was an early sign to the generous nature of my Santa. I sent them a message to double check that it was okay that I saved them for Christmas. They promptly responded that it was totally fine and that they even had requested the gift packaging so that I could put them out under the tree to enjoy. I'm a sucker for the reusable Amazon gift packaging so this was already a fun treat!
I finally got past the work and family responsibilities of the Christmas season today and on to the vacation part so I was able to properly dig into the gifts. As usual the kitties had to come inspect what was going on. For your viewing pleasure the photos include Misty scoping out the unwrapping and Mia lounging in the box with the wrappings afterwards. ;)
The first wrapped gift package contained an adorable little pink plush otter keychain from the Shinada Global company. I have recently discovered this line of plush from an indie store at a nearby mall and thought they were awesome but as imports were a little pricer than I felt I could justify for myself. I'm excited to have this little fella travel around with me on my purse!
The next set of gifts were each wrapped to match and contained a set of the books from the @dinosandcomics. I've seen some of these before and they are delightfully relatable with some of the cutest little dino characters around! I love books and reading and these will be a lot of fun to both read through and leave out for others to flip through as well!
The final package was not from Amazon but actually turned out to be from the local store that carries the Shinada Global company plushies. I had thrown the plush on my wishlist here but knew they were way above the minimum for exchanges and just thought Santas would use them as inspiration. Not my generous Santa - they completely splurged on me and got me one of the kitty plushies. And not just any kitty, but the prettiest and nicest Rainbow Colored kitty!!! These plush are the softest, squishiest, most perfectly sized buddies for all the snuggling! I choose someone to sleep with me every night and I suspect that this kitty is going to become the new favorite! A MILLION thank yous Santa!!!!
This was an amazingly wonderful surprise assortment of gifts Santa!! I genuinely wish you the absolute best in the new year and I hope you got a Santa who spoiled you the way you deserve!! Thank you, thank you thank you!!!! :D
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