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Santa Surprises

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XodiNov 29, 2023

Came home to a package (well a few) by the door tonight. Adalia was excited to open it up but the box was a bit heavier for her then what it seemed like. She was surprised with a new game set that I didn't even realized existed and basically like re-living childhood cartoons at 7 in the morning on Saturdays. Boy have the Saturday Cartoon times become golden and not like they use to be. A new nintendo switch memory chip which was very needed not going to lie, I was excited to see a pot and pan organizer that I have been wanting for my set for such a long time not gonna lie might of gotten to excited. Maybe that's an age thing now were you get more excited about things for your kitchen then you do others lol . We also received 2 boxes of Lindor which is a luxury candy but a favorite in this house. Thank you for all the gifts. When you asked about my daughter, I wasn't expecting all of this. We really appreciate it all and she's I'm sure going to be playing her new game tomorrow when she gets out of the dentist. Merry Christmas


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