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Third time's the charm

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DFYXApr 30, 2024

This Happy Holidays exchange was a nerve wracking experience for me. My initial gifter sent something that broke the rules, then I got a rematcher who didn't even pull my info. I had almost given up when after four months, another rematcher showed up. And what can I say, the wait was sooooo worth it.

Hot chocolate powder: I've never heard of that brand but I absolutely love hot chocolate! I even have a Velvetiser hot chocolate machine. I just can't decide if I'll drink it myself or wait for a special occasion to share it with friends.

Don card game: Never heard of this one either but I love all kinds of board and card games and I can definitely use some that are small enough to take with me on vacation or when I visit friends. Also, the fact that my rematcher found a game in my native language in a Danish game store must be a sign.

Discworld atlas: I had only ever seen the "Streets of Ankh-Morpork" map so this was a really cool surprise. I absolutely love Discworld and really should take the time to read the remaining books.

So overall, my rematcher did not only find three amazing and thoughtful gifts that perfectly fit my interests, all three were things I didn't know existed. And on top of that I got a very cool Star Wars themed card with a very nice message.

Thank you so much, dear rematcher! Sou made my day when I had almost lost motivation to stay on


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