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I am speechless

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untraceablezNov 29, 2023

My gifter seriously went above and beyond for this exchange! My box was loaded with tons of lovingly wrapped gifts, themed for Magic the Gathering and D&D, as well as a jar of hot cocoa mix and a adorable laminated recipe!

The Magic section contained a whole Commander deck, a Pioneer deck, and 3 collections of cards based on the colors Red, Black, and White in MTG, as well as a few dice for counting life totals!

The D&D section came with 2 beautiful sets of dice as well as a notepad for writing down notes / tracking totals / etc as a DM.

To wrap it all up (pun intended) my gifter also wrote a lovely handwritten note with the gifts and included fun stickers!

Overall, this was an amazing gift, and I certainly wasn't expecting so much, absolutely made my day and had me making a mess of wrapping paper on the living room floor like I was a kid again!


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