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SlapthefatcatNov 28, 2023

I just got my happy holidays gifts and I am definitely happy! Santa got me three awesome gifts! First, I got a color change Gameboy mug! I have a set of Nintendo ones, so this is a welcome addition to the collection! Plus the color change? Icing on the cake! Second, I received this wonderful scratch off poster of 100 top anime! This is absolutely fantastic and just what I needed! Why would I need a poster? Because I stink at finishing anime and I stink at remembering what I've started and what I've actually finished! I'll probably put this up right away! And finally, saved the best for last! I got this resource book on thermoplastics for cosplay! I love, love, LOVE experimenting with materials, but I have a hard time getting good at certain things, such as thermoplastics and it's not like I get much response on old YouTube videos, so reference books are my big thing I collect. This one in particular has been on my Amazon wishlist for a long while since it's not the cheapest book, but it's definitely one I've been wanting to get. Thank you so much Santa! I'm flipping out while flipping through this book! Also, this cosplay related book also gets me motivated to continue working on my stuff for my February convention! Coffee mug for the energy and focus, poster to remind myself where I am, and a reference book for where I'm going! The perfect trio! Thank you so much again Santa!


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