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Vinyls from a fellow sewing expert!

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TitowamApr 10, 2023

Wow, I encountered something I've never encountered before - me and my santa both received and sent gifts to eachother! I can't imagine the odds on that! We have lots in common, so much that they wrote that they felt like they were reading their own profile when they read through mine and I felt the same way! Who knows, this might be the start of a friendship :D //

Thank you so much for the lovely vinyls! I've wanted Marina's "Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land" in vinyl so many times, I almost ordered it myself at the start of the year but had to stop myself because shipping would make it too expensive. It's a great album with the title track being one of my favorite songs by her! I also got a vinyl for the soundtrack of "School of Rock" - a movie I've heard so much about but haven't watched yet! I gotta find time to watch it soon (and listen to the soundtrack of course haha). Along with the vinyls were two cards - one christmas card (first one of the year! i always send out some each year to my closest friends and it's great to get some back :D), and an adorable Totoro postcard with some lovely handwritten backstory behind the gifts :) //

One great thing I noticed with the package is that my santa used shredded up fabrics as a packing stuffer! That is a GREAT use to get rid of any scraps of fabric instead of throwing it away, and I'll be sure to borrow that idea for the future! It's great when you find different ways to recycle :) //

Thanks again for everything, this was a great package to receive after having a very stressful start of the week and you've kicked off my December to be even better than I anticipated - thank you!


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