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My Santa made me play!

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BlackForestQueenApr 10, 2023

They made me play board games!

My Santa did an amazing job and put a lot of effort and thought into their presents for me!! And it all started with personal messages I received. It makes it so much nicer than „just“ receiving presents. It adds a personal touch and makes the entire exchange more emotional, because there’s a person who, you know, thinks about you. We had a lot to talk about. 😄

My Santa sent me two parcels because they were afraid that the main gift won’t arrive in time. It did tough. ☺️

I received 2 board games. One is a game I own already, but my version is from the 80s and not complete anymore. I wanted the new edition and I love that I have it now.

The other game is from Exploding kittens. I had it on my wishlist. 😀 I was super surprised to find out how HUGE those burritos are!! I expect small plushy burritos. But no, they’re inflatable and need their own chairs. 😆😆 I haven’t played it yet, but I’m so looking forward to it!

Then I received DELICIOUS butter almond cookies in a very nice tin. The whole family couldn’t get enough of them. It came in very handy because I didn’t bake this year. Only my poor stepdad had to suffer. He loved them but due to his diabetes he only ate 2… Good for the rest of us though. 😜

Furthermore I received a book about Antwerp. As soon as I finished my current book, I’ll start reading this one. It sounds very interesting!!

As my Santa knows I’ve been there already and ate the “World’s best French Fries” - according to a German TV ranking show. I learned though, that I was lied to by that show. My Santas parents made the worlds best fries! Never trust television!!

All in all my Santa put a smile in my face even before I opened my presents. I thank you so much for the effort you made!!

All the best to you and your loved ones! May you have a healthy, enchanting and fabulous life!!

Oh! About the pictures: I’ll post more as soon as my younger brother sends them to me. I keep nagging him that I need those pictures. But you all know younger siblings, especially when they’re lazy students. 😜 On the current pictures you can see my mum in the background.


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