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You couldn't have chosen better gifts!

First, sorry for the delay. I wanted to open them with my nieces so I waited a couple days after receiving them. They were so excited, and so was I!

Seriously, it's like you know me better than people I know irl! :p Thank you so much! I'm going to use a lot of exclamation points because I'm super excited!

The first package I opened had a giant duck and duck socks! I love ducks and collect rubber ducks so this was perfect. I would have been happy with just these but there was a whole other package that had even more awesome stuff! The second package had an Ahsoka hat, an Ahsoka keychain, a duck beanie, and thermal socks! I love Star Wars and collect Ahsoka things so this made me so happy! I also collect hats so the combination of Ahsoka and a hat and a duck and beanie was perfect! I have Raynaud's and my toes get very cold, so the socks were a wonderful gift! I'm wearing a pair of the thermal socks right now and they are so soft and warm and I love them.

It makes me so happy to think a stranger put this much thought into a gift for me.

Again, thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Happy Holidays (2022)

