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Best Holiday Ever!!!

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D1sneyQueenApr 10, 2023

I can’t even describe the excitement to see that my gifter not only was getting me something from Defunctland but also knew what it is! For those who don’t know go check out Defunctland on YouTube to find amazingly detailed and fabulous videos on tv show and rides and more! I legit just rewatched all of season 1 and then this magical package arrived. And the park map of this made up land is ALL the rides and such from Season 1!!! I mean every comment on it is gold and totally relevant since I haven’t started rewatching season 2 just yet. Inside is also my new favorite Disney tee shirt (technically on Defunctland’s store but is from Park Ride History)! I collect pins so this adorable Defunctland pin is perfect!!!

Now my amazing Santa could have stopped there but no they went above and beyond!!!

Amazon gifts arrived a few days ago and the wait to open them with defunctland paid off. These beautiful books were recommended by a few other contestants from Crunchyroll’s Hime Cosplay Cup. We were fortunate enough to be one of the finalists and its reinspired my cosplay passion. I am 100% stubbornly self taught. But I’ve realized I need to break out of that shell and start looking to people that know what they’re doing so I’m not always trying to reinvent the wheel. So I am beyond happy that I did not just get 1 but 4 different cosplay books ranging from

  1. Ballgown (because yes)
  2. The foundations for these ballgowns and more (can’t wait to try to make a hoop shirt)
  3. Footwear (can finally stop buting 2 pairs of shoes per cosplay)
  4. And Wigs (which I have been dying to figure out but had no idea what to search)

Thank you so much Holiday Santa 2022! I hope your gifter is just as amazing!!! I can not express how happy and grateful I am through this magical post alone!!!


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