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Wonderful and thoughtful

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VerinApr 10, 2023

I've been an extremely bad giftee, I didn't have time to open the gift and write my post immediately, so i set it aside. I know it's not a good excuse but I've been very busy and stacked some random crap on top of the box, thereby removing it from view and allowing me to completely forget about it until i started some deep cleaning now that I'm off work for a bit.... I'm so sorry Santa, this is pretty crappy behavior and it's all on me. You definitely deserve a better giftee!

Since it's after Christmas now, I open the box as soon as I can after I found it again! There's some extremely cute glitter stuff taped quite securely onto the opening on the side of the "obolicom" box :). But with some brute force scissor action I manage to cut the tape and open the top of the box. It opens upwards, which means it shows the gifts right away!

The gift is wrapped in lovely brown Christmas tree paper, with a very cute "Merry Christmas" ribbon around it! Also, there's a card! I love cards <3. On the card is a cartoon bear dancing to some music and it's almost unbearably cute. I only realized that's a pun after writing it down but it's still very much intended :). On the card my gifter wrote a really sweet message that shows me that a lot of thought went into the gift. I don't even have to open the gift to know it'll be wonderful, coming from a human who can write such a lovely message!

The gift fits like a glove in this box, so I am very surprised to find it's not one but TWO whole gifts! They both are pretty much the same size, but one is rather flat and the other is a bit thicker. They fit so well in the box that I didn't even see the second one below the first! The second gift also has a very cute wrapping paper, a silver shiny one with all kinds of Christmas ornaments on it.

Since it was on top I decide to open the gift with the ribbon first. When I open it, I see it's something called "Forest fantasies" with a lovely old timey etching (?) picture of a lady in a Greek goddess robe with some Cupid like kids, frolicking in the forest. This looks cute but I'm not quite sure if it's a picture book or something, and then I realize that it's not one book but multiple!

Luckily there's also a card in this package, this time it shows a Santa hurrying through some colorful polkadot snow, it's pretty weird but in a cute way! On the back of the card my Santa explains that these are sheet music books... They found out I am looking to get back into piano playing, so they rooted through their own collection to find me some piano books! It's quite lovely and thoughtful to get something like this, the message says that the forest fantasy book that's on top is especially nice. I quickly look through the books and it looks like some are a bit easier and some are a bit more challenging, but they all look excellent for someone who's getting back into it after not playing for years! I honestly don't know if I will be able to actually stick with it, but I'm going to have fun playing around with these books regardless! It's so incredibly thoughtful and lovely, thank you so much Santa!

The second package is a lot thicker than the first, so if it's also a book it's a huge one! Opening it up I see it's not a book exactly, but it does have a bookshop on the box! It says "Sunshine Town" and it takes me only a few seconds to realize this is a kit for a diorama-in-a-bookend! I've actually wanted to make one of these ever since I saw a video of a diagone alley (harry potter) one years ago. I never really knew what to put in it though, as I'm not a harry potter fan, and didn't have much inspiration otherwise. But a street full of bookshops is pretty much the exact right thing for me to have in a diorama like this! It's really quite lovely and I can't wait to start building it! I've built a similar kit before and while it was a lot of fun to build, , but with this fitting in my bookcase I won

Santa, you did exceptionally well and are super thoughtful and skillful at getting gifts! I feel extra ashamed at not posting for so long, but I hope you'll know that this was never a reflection on the gift, as it has sat unopened until this morning. Thank you so much for such a lovely gift! I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and will have a lovely end to this year, and an even better year next year! If you're even half as thoughtful for your friends and family as you were for this gift I'm sure you will have some lovely togetherness over the holidays. <3

If you want some build pics, do let me know where to send them!


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