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EasilyIntimidatedApr 10, 2023

Thank you so much Santa! You've really outdone yourself!

I can't tell you how much it means to me that you got everything locally, and from some clearly incredible businesses no less!

It's really also quite fun to see that this gift came from Windsor as I have some friends there that I just met, well, probably while you were out shopping for these stunningly thoughtful gifts! (Ps. Do you know PUPP?)

The plan is to make this DELICIOUS smelling decaf coffee immediately, and I had a few of the chocolates last night, they were absolutely perfect.

As for the little gift for my cat, well, I was excited to get a picture of the adorable, handmade (knit?) Salmon Nigiri you got him but he immediately made off with it and it's been in kitty toy limbo since lol.

Thank you so much again for all of your thought, time and effort. These are such a perfect way to start off this holiday season.


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