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Over the Moon for Forever Tools!

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aNoodly1Apr 10, 2023

I can not thank you enough for the delightful gifts!

Santa decided to get me something from my wish list and something that they found themselves, and I am positively flabbergasted at what they picked!

I love the fermentation lids of course, but this "knife"! I had no idea such a thing even existed! Full-tang, high quality steel, depth measurements, cutting edge, leather sheath?! I could go on, and I have been absolutely gushing for hours while struggling to write a coherent thank you post. This is truly a gift that will last a lifetime! I can even not begin to explain my joy at the idea of never needing to buy a trowel at a big box store ever again! I will treasure it always & give it all the proper care such a hard-working work of art deserves.

My gifter took the time to read my profile and really grasped the kind of person I am, and I am thankful beyond measure! The thoughtful notes and the attempt to buy direct from the maker was "icing on the cake", as they say.

I may be a bit delirious with glee.


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