My Secret Santa got two gifts for me, that had been on my wishlist for many years now and that I haven't thought about in a long time. Therefore I'm very grateful for this present, because these two items are too good to be forgotten about.
The first one is a copy of 'Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes', a very entertaining as well as nerve wracking but nonetheless fun game for a group of friends, that have to work together in order not to explode (which is bad x_x). I'm definitely going to introduce this game to my room mates this holiday season 😁
The second gift is a copy of Art Spiegelman's comic 'Maus' which is a very unique retelling of life during the Second World War and the horrors of the Holocaust. I have to admit that I was so eager to read it after unwrapping, that I sat down and devoured the book yesterday evening in one reading. It's a story that definitely sticks with you and makes you think about the fundamental things in life.
Accompanying the package was a card with some very kind words that I want to thank my Secret Santa especially for. You made this year's 'Reddit Secret Santa'... sorry, 'Givin Gifts' special so I'd like to thank you and wish you, your family and friends a pleasant and peaceful holiday season 🙂
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