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No! No, you did NOT!!! You magnific, psychic ent FIEND!

You have sent me absolute perfection! They were the accessories I didn't know I needed! I had JUST decided to wear my green overalls, in spite of the missing button, and thought, "eh, I'll find a pin. Somewhere." And I had decided to wear my witchy dress for the awards dinner. (I'm headed to a professional conference and motivation has been low.) And now.... NOW!!!! I have to take out my -I'm old and not in the mood to pick earrings every day because you sent me Howl's earrings! I had been rewatching this weekend with our Littles and noticed how pretty his earrings are. And if the Soot Sprites aren't perfect to wear with a witchy dress, then idk what is. My pin will change with my moods through out the conference. Thank you so much! I cannot express how much you have lifted my mood!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 🔥🔥🔥

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Gift Details

May 3, 2023
Ghibli Day (2023)

