My gifter has been amazing!
My lovely gifter has been communicative and thoughtful from day 1!
As soon as we were matched they reached out and purchased the gift wayyyyy before the deadline. Unfortunately USPS liked the gift so much they decided to keep it. My gifter reached out to the seller but had difficulty getting the gift reshipped. Through all of this my gifter has kept me in the loop. Today they sent me a $50 gift card for Etsy!!! Wayyyyy GENEROUS! With this I bought a booty planter that I have been wanting for awhile! I have the perfect plant for this!
To my gifter, your communication, thoughtfulness, and generosity has meant the world to me. My partner’s mom passed away last Friday and it has been really really tough time for the both of us. Your kindness has lifted my spirits today. Thank you so much!
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