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Oooh clothing and a necklace!

So my gifter actually was in my town this weekend and dropped off the package in person today. So shipping was quick and painless! :) As for the gifts: wow! I love the necklace so much -- I adore mail and the US postage stamp necklace complete with cancellation is pretty much up my alley so to speak! Not sure what outfits it will go with in general but still! One of the joys of clothing purchased by someone other than myself is that it might surprise me, I find! The dress fits and will be good for colder weather, I think: it isn't a style I would necessarily have picked out but works really well with my body and is work appropriate so I look forward to wearing it! The velvet top was the item I though upon opening the package that I would be least likely to wear but it fits great and so I'm highly tempted to wear it at some point if an appropriate occasion comes up! The leggings are a style and fabric that I'm not normally likely to be wearing as well, but I love how they seem to reflect multiple colours and they'll be great for layering in the fall weather I think under dresses etc. so that's awesome! The one piece that likely won't work is the blue top, as it doesn't really fit right somehow (my arms can't really raise when I put it on) but this gift was so successful in so many ways that I can't fault you on that one -- every clothing item fits differently, after all! Thanks so much for the selection of gifts!!!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Fashion Day

